Keep your Chambers Alive and Healthy with Periodic Maintenance!

Environmental chambers of all types are significant investments, and as such are expected to operate efficiently and reliably over a long period of time. Every time a chamber is in operation, there is stress and wear applied to it; chambers that are used more frequently and with harsher test parameters will undergo more wear.

As test chambers are made up of several mechanical components, periodic maintenance and calibration are important services that should be conducted to not only extend the lifespan of the chamber but to reduce downtime as well. Most test chambers will require similar maintenance services while specialized chambers may have additional steps.

The most common and frequent maintenance operation for test chambers is to keep them clean. Chamber interiors should be wiped down to remove particles or residue post-testing. Chamber exteriors and any components behind paneling such as heaters, compressors, or humidifiers should be dusted off on a 6-month schedule.

Calibration of test chambers is also an important part of keeping test chambers running properly. It is recommended to re-calibrate the controller once a year to ensure that the parameters are correct and the testing is executed successfully. Analog gauges such as pressure gauges should also be inspected and calibrated to ensure accurate parameter configuration and data recording.

Keep up with maintenance, reduce downtime, and save money.